Pediatric Dentistry
To help maintain overall good health, dental care is a necessary component of a
child's overall health care. People who suffer from unaddressed oral health issues
can experience pain that prevents them from eating, sleeping, playing, and
functioning at home or school. Children should have access to regular dental care to
help protect their future health.
The care provided by KABERA Dentistry includes specialized services for children,
including those who are medically compromised and those who are in a time of
urgent need. Pediatric dentists knows that no matter how healthy a child may be, his
or her concerns about the dentist may be significant. To enhance their well-being,
we treat infants and young children like the adults they will become.
Pediatric Dentistry at KABERA
Routine screenings and cleanings are provided, as well as restorative procedures to
bring tooth back to their original condition. Preventative and restorative dentistry
consists of:
- Cavities Filling
- Fluoride Treatment
- Dental X-Rays
- Good Oral Habits to protect child’s teeth and smile
- Crowns
- Extraction (removing teeth)
- Pulpotomies and Pulpectomies (treating the nerve)
- Space Maintainers (preventing other teeth from shifting when a baby tooth is
- Dental Treatment for children with special needs and/or medical conditions
- Dental care for all children from 6 months to 14 years of age
At KABERA, we also handle non-emergency issues, such as broken tooth, a cracked
or chipped tooth, severe toothache, loss of permanent tooth or a severe injury.
The dentists at KABERA may recommend that your child undergo general
anaesthesia, which is used in an operating room, to ensure your child's safety and
comfort while undergoing the procedure.